The portal on Organic Food from India is a regulatory portal. At the heart of the portal is an Indian Organic integrity database jointly developed by FSSAI, APEDA and (PGS-India) on Organic food standards, certification processes, information relating to FBOs, their products and geographical areas in which they are available. The Organic Food products may be searched by name of the food and by the name of the company as well.
The unified logo is an identity mark to distinguish organic products from non-organic ones supported with the tagline “Jaivik Bharat” at the bottom, which signifies Organic Food from India. Effectively intertwining all the elements of environment, the logo communicates adherence to the National Organic Standards.
Organic foods are products of holistic agricultural practices focusing on bio-diversity, soil health, chemical free inputs etc. with an environmentally and socially responsible approach that have been produced in accordance with organic production standards.
People are wary to purchase organic food due to lack of confidence about its genuineness. The problem of fraud and mis-labelling occurs when a Food Business Operator (FBO) marks a product as organic while it contains non-organic ingredients or where the organic production standards are not adhered to in the production process. Therefore, it becomes important to check if the food labelled as "organic" is genuinely organic. The Food Safety and Standards (Organic Foods) Regulations, 2017 are based on the standards of National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) and Participatory Guarantee System (PGS-India). The customer will be assured of the genuineness after the Regulations are notified.
Certification of Organic Foods assures that they comply with the set standards laid out.Organic foods may be certified under NPOP or PGS.
There are 28 Accredited Certification Bodies under NPOP.
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"Use of Jaivik Bharat logo will come into effect once it is notified in the Gazette of India"